Our Story

Hi I am Adam! 

And here is my story. In 2016, when I was 5 years old, I attended a school assembly where Alex Scott’s parents spoke about their daughter’s lemonade stand.  Alex is an alumnus of my elementary school and her lemonade stand foundation has raised over $250 million for cancer research. I thought to myself "this sounds like something I could do to make a positive impact".  I decided to start my own lemonade stand where I would donate the profits to The Children's Hospital Of Philadelphia (CHOP).  

Each summer, for the last 6 years, I've had an annual lemonade stand in Stone Harbor, New Jersey. It is a special place for me as my extended family has been vacationing there for over 50 years.  During my first year, I raised $50 and used it to buy toys for the children at CHOP who get treatment in the radiology department. My mom has worked at CHOP for 17 years and saw a real need to cheer these children up by having happy distractions and prizes for when they successfully completed hours of scanning. 

Each year, through the help of my family and the Stone Harbor community, I have become more successful. Now some years I have 2 dates, recruited the help of over 30 family members, purchased a lemon costume and matching t-shirts, and built an actual lemonade stand! 

Beyond just my family, the Stone Harbor community has become extremely supportive through posts on the Stone Harbor Peeps Facebook Group, visits by members of the fire department, police department, and sanitation department along with generous individual donations.  A huge thank you to Patty Boyle for letting us use her house for the lemonade stand location.  With all of this positive support in 2021, we were able to raise $4,434.  During the 2022 lemonade stand, we went over our goal raising over $5,660.  Thank you for your donations!


   $50 Raised


$100 Raised


$300 Raised


$950 Raised


$1,500 Raised


$4,434 Raised


$5,660 Raised


Coming Soon




The 2020 Stand

Even though the 2020 stand was online we raised over $1,500 for The Children's Hospital Of Philadelphia.  Adam & Company Lemonade Stand also hosted a family lemonade stand where people gave money to the lemonade stand for someone to do something most likely embarrassing or funny.   

The Stand Through The Years

Our Mascot 

The Stand In Progress